DTS Decompression Therapy

DTS Decompression Therapy

Non- operative treatment of discus hernia


Everyone who suffers from pain in the upper back, lower back or the neck, and the reason for the pain is a damage of the intervertebral discs


In our practice the Decompression therapy is conducted with a special, computerized equipment- extensomat, manufactured by a well known company in Holland

DTS Decompression Therapy

Non- operative treatment of discus hernia

The decompression therapy of the spine, compared to the classical physical therapy, which in general acts only in reducing the symptoms, is directed towards eliminating the cause of these symptoms, which in these conditions is mechanical. The reason for the occurrence of discus hernia is mechanical-protrusion of the piece of the disc and entering the spinal channel which creates compression on the medulla spinalis and the spinal roots.

Contrary to the mechanism of occurrence of discus hernia, by using the Decompression therapy exactly the opposite decompression is made- freeing from the pressure, withdrawing the piece of the discus by using vacuum effect from the extension itself. By freeing the pressure, the relief from the pain comes fast and also all the symptoms decrease.

It is logical if the nature of the disease is mechanical, the treatment to be mechanical too. In 90% of the patients the surgery is postponed.

The Decompression therapy achieves three effects:
The spine diseases are one of the most frequent ones which can be seen in the everyday practice. These diseases drastically decrease the work ability and the quality of life. Today back pain is one of the most frequent reasons for visiting the doctor and the most frequent reason for sick leave.

The contemporary lifestyle and the advancement of the technology, have contributed in the increase of degenerative diseases of the vertebras which in the past occurred among the population older than 50-60, now they more frequently occur in people that are under the age of 30. The reasons for the pain are multiple, in most cases they are connected with the profession, no matter if it is a sedentary job or intensive physical one.

When the problems already exist, various types of physical therapy are used or Decompression therapy- extension which can help in alleviating the discomfort, slowing the progression of the degenerative changes of the spinal cord, and even escaping the surgery.

The symptoms of the back pain often occur as a result of getting old. The discuses degenerate up to various degrees, reducing the space which is intended for the nerves. Because of these reasons it is good to have the Decompression therapy as a preventive, in order to slow down the aging of the discs and the soft tissue apparatus of the spine, saving their function up to the really old age.


Non- operative treatment of discus hernia

Everyone who suffers from the upper back pain, the lower back and the neck, and the reason for those pains is a damage of the intervertebral discs. Also it is good to be performed on young and healthy people as well as the sportsmen for maintaining the good condition of the spinal cord and slowing down the aging processes and the degenerative changes that may occur in the course of aging.
For example, people with sedentary lifestyle (drivers, programmers, office workers), people who use great physical strength (physical workers, sportsmen), in cases of incorrect forced position on the work place (dentists, hairdressers), in people who would like to maintain their spine “young”.

It is also a very successful method for treating various deformities of the spinal cord- scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis. The goal is to prevent the progression of the scoliosis and the kyphosis, strengthening the muscles- stabilizers of the spinal cord, extending the shortened muscles, strengthening the paravertebral muscles, maintaining the capacity of the lungs and correction of the posture.

The decompression therapy is always combined with individual kinesiotherapy program of exercises for prevention and treatment of the various deformities of the spinal cord.
DTS Decompression therapy- extension of the spinal cord is the latest, the most sophisticated, absolutely save and painless method of treating various diseases of the cervical and the lumbar part of the spine:
It is a particularly famous method in the USA and Western Europe, where a number of clinical studies have confirmed the high percentage of more than 90% positive results.


In our practice the Decompression therapy is conducted on specialized, computerized equipment -extensomat, from a well known company from Holland. The therapy is conducted after taking the anamneses and establishing the diagnoses, under continuous professional surveillance of a doctor- physiatrist and physiotherapists, following exact medically confirmed protocol.

The therapy is performed individually for each patient depending on his age, condition, diagnosis, degree of damage of the disc, degree of pain. Usually the treatments are carried out in series of 10-12 treatments, and sometimes when necessary even 15 treatments. Generally it is done every day or with a pause of 1-2 days depending on the type of the disease and the degree of pain.

The dosing is performed gradually, progressively following the previously confirmed protocol and it is absolutely safe and painless. The patient during the procedure does not feel any pain, only sweet, soft stretching. The decompression therapy can be combined with other types of physical therapy.